State of mind

Posted on: Thursday, September 18, 2014

images from here and here

Making a home

Posted on: Monday, September 15, 2014

image from here

It has been 5 months since I got the keys to my first owned apartment and in the ultimate test of patience and perseverance, today the renovation finally began. I met with the contractor this morning as he marked X's on walls that are coming down and smiled a stupid, toothy, Christmas day kind of grin when he reminded me that in six short weeks this would be my home.

I've been thinking a lot about home recently. I always knew it was a big deal to own something, but I never really thought about the fact that I was creating my home -  I have a place to house homeless friends, a crashpad for my brother when he's in town, a place to entertain, a place to make memories, a place that is mine. It's kind of an overwhelming feeling. 

I will share with you pictures over the next six weeks. In the meantime, I have to take care of some of the less fun details... like picking out faucets. I know some people love this stuff, but I am so useless with these kind of details. Wish me luck!

Happy Weekend

Posted on: Friday, September 12, 2014

I got into work today and everyone is walking around with a huge cup of coffee and half asleep - after a summer of mostly four day work weeks, getting back in the grove of being in the office for five days has taken it out of all of us. BUT it's Friday and I'm looking forward to some R&R. In an attempt to try to take care of myself a little bit I have a yoga class scheduled for tomorrow and a massage on Sunday. Not bad huh? What are you up to this weekend?

Here are some things that caught my eye this week:

Stuff to listen to: Sam Smith covering Tracy Chapman's Fast car. Need I say more

Stuff to help you get a job (or get better at one): Tech is everywhere. Apple just announced the launch of a watch that is equal parts cool and intimidating for a person like me who would prefer not to be strapped to my technology (literally). Job boards these days are filled with tech jargon that I don't remotely understand. Enter this company which is intent on helping people embrace the digital age in the form of an education - to become more valuable in the job you have to get the job you want. I'm seriously considering signing up for the bootcamp.

Stuff to consider: This post has me seriously considering some tomboy perfumes

Stuff to get excited about: Next week this awesome collection launches at Target. So excited to see all the pieces that come out of this collaboration.

Stuff from one of my favorites: Emily Henderson is pretty much a rock star in my book and the new Domino Magazine has photos of her amazing new home in LA. Here is a behind the scenes video of the space. So cool.

State of mind

Posted on: Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Wardrobe: Black is back

Posted on: Tuesday, September 9, 2014

shirt, jeans, jacket, boots
One of my favorite parts of this time of year is the return of easy dressing weather... sounds weird right? But there is just something easy about throwing on jeans and some boots and being done. It just feels easier to be put together. I know I'm a New Yorker so this is a little bit predictable but the return of black to my wardrobe helps to!

Happy Weekend

Posted on: Friday, September 5, 2014

This weekend is my step-father’s 70th birthday. My mom, in her typical party planning fashion, has 50 of his friends and family coming to their house in the suburbs to celebrate. Hopefully the weather gods will be on our side and the predicted thunderstorm will find its way elsewhere.

Here are some things that caught my eye this week:

Stuff that’s full of inspiration: This online magazine is always chocked full of ideas to steal.

Stuff to read: I read an excerpt of this book in the New Yorker and can’t wait to get my hands on the full story. In the meantime, this one is pretty great too.

Stuff to make you want to get outside: This video has me day dreaming of outdoor adventure – and missing my paddleboard!

Stuff for your hands: I love this ring and when it starts to feel like fall, this is going on my nails


Posted on: Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Today marks the 50th Anniversary of the Wilderness Act, a piece of legislation that protects over 750 wilderness areas from human influence.

People often ask me how I found my love of the outdoors. While I was born in NYC and spent my first several years of life here, my parents quickly realized that suburban life would be a better choice for a family. My dad tells a great story about the first time he took me into the backyard at our new home, my little feet wedded to the flagstone pavers as I stared in wonderment at the grass in front of me. I was a child of concrete and this weird grassy business freaked me out.

Several years later when my parents got divorced my dad had to find something to do with his little girl every other weekend and so he rediscovered his love of camping. I am not going to sugar coat it, when I was young I threw more than a few fits about what have become affectionately known as my father’s death marches. The key characteristics of said hikes are that 1) he tells you it’s a short walk 2) no steep inclines and 3) you realize that it is in fact a VERY long hike and will take you up the sides of cliffs and by about mile 8 you want to kill him. But we did have some amazing adventures and I have the best memories of s’mores in the Wisconsin wilderness, isolated lakes in the Rockies, a pack of wild Buffalo in South Dakota, the breathtaking scenery in Glacier National Park and the climb up Cadillac Mountain in Acadia (although better was bouldering down). I think his love for the outdoors just simply rubbed off on me and now I have such an appreciation for those rare untouched areas – they give me such a sense of peace. 

End of summer

Posted on: Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Summer has unofficially come to and end (although you wouldn't know it with the 90+ degree heat we're experiencing in NYC!). A colleague of mine came in to work today and the first thing she asked was whether we get Columbus Day off... the next three day weekend we can look forward to. While I will miss the lazy summer weekends and trips to the beach, fall always brings with it an amazing chance at renewal and a fresh start. For me, this fall brings with it a major renovation but also a chance to move into a dream apartment that I own! I've been thinking about adopting another dog as well and even a tattoo is on the list of maybe's for the fall.


Posted on: Friday, August 29, 2014

I find a lot of peace in solitude... especially when that solitude means being surrounded by nature. These 12 AMAZING escapes are literally in the middle of nowhere and sprinkled across the globe. They are my idea of heaven

Happy (Labor Day) Weekend

I can't believe it's the unofficial end of summer!! I am off to the beach this weekend to soak up some sun and get out on my paddle board before long weekends are a thing of the past. As much as I am sorry to see summer go, I LOVE the fall and am so excited to get started on the renovation for my apartment (more on that soon), break out the big sweaters and see the leaves change. I hope all of you are relaxing and enjoying yourselves this weekend!

Stuff to visit: This hotel has long been on my list of places to visit. There is something so quintessentially American about the Adirondacks and the idea of staying in one of those cabins on the water and roasting marshmallows on a cool fall night... well that sounds like heaven

Stuff that happily ever after is made of: I have no idea if I'll ever get married, but if I ever do I absolutely love this idea of a small, relaxed ceremony on a beach with friends (p.s. my mother would kill me!)

Stuff to get you ready for fall: I love this brand. Check out all of the amazing accessories they have for fall.

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